With a loom with computer control and WeavePoint with loom control interface, you have a complete CAW (Computer Aided Weaving) solution.
In the WeavePoint full screen loom interface window, you have all the information you need while weaving. A scrolling area displays 32 picks in a large grid, to let you see each pick clearly. Then there is the fabric area which displays the whole fabric repeat to weave. You have full flexibility to go back, reverse or start weaving from a new pick.
Looms with computer control are available from various loom manufacturers in various countries. They normally come with from 8 to 32 shafts. Different computer looms have different interfaces, so make sure to order the correct WeavePoint interface for your loom.
Available loom interface options with WeavePoint includes:
WeavePoint AVL version includes Compu-dobby I, II, III and IV, direct weaving and cartridge programming. Features special weaving screen and optional sound signal at pick color change.
The WeavePoint IDL version runs the revolutionary AVL IDL loom (Industrial Dobby Loom).
The ARM Patronic interface supports both direct and indirect pattern control.
Complex Drafting is a special version of WeavePoint for complex patterns, drawlooms, double threading, etc., developed in collaboration with Åsa Martinsson in Sweden.
Read more... Complex Drafting 7